Costa Rica Mission Field Notebook
Do sounds of animals change composition with the vertical structure of the rainforest?
Write your hypothesis.
My hypothesis is that there will be more birds in the top canopy than the understory because they need to fly.
Listen to the collected samples. Select what sounds you heard in each canopy layer.
0 - you do not hear any species in the animal class (birds, insects, mammals, amphibians) in a single recording.
1-2 - you heard one or two calls or songs from an animal class in a single recording.
3+ - you heard more than two calls or songs from an animal class in a single recording.
Plot your results.
Describe your results.
Each plot represents to total count between my two samples for each section of the vertical structure. Overall, there were more birds in caopy while there were less amphibians in the canopy.
Write your conclusion.
My conclusion is that birds were not more prevalent in the canopy because tinamous, a flightless bird, made sounds in the understory.